Write for

I’d be honored to have you write for Scraping Raisins. Be sure you click around a bit to familiarize yourself with the content here. I’m looking for well-written, personal stories, not how-to or preachy posts. Email me at scrapingraisins (dot) gmail.com with your 500-1000 word post related to the theme. Please include:

  1. A short bio with links to social media at the bottom of your post.
  2. A headshot.
  3. An image from www.unsplash.com or www.pixabay.com that reflects the tone of your piece (if you don’t have time or can’t find one, I can do that for you!).

Guest posts are due by first of the month, though I sometimes still have spots available after the first. 

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Welcome to Scraping Raisins!