Why Simplify?

If I were to pinpoint one golden thread running through the fabric of my life, it would be this:

“Stop doing, just be.”

It would be God whispering in the straining and trying,

“Stop. Just breathe.”

“Soak in Jesus and all of his richness and pour out peace, love and joy onto others around you. Enjoy. Notice. Relax. Be grateful.”

There is an over-quoted verse that I also frequently tell myself: “Cease striving and know that I am God.” The second half of it is less well known: “I will be exalted in the heavens. I will be exalted in all the earth.” (Ps. 46:10)

When we slow down, stop, breathe, and just be, we begin to notice God at work all around us.

Our culture of productivity and busyness demands we be on-the-go, plugged-in, running, frenzied, over-worked and over-scheduled. We are to multi-task and be well-rounded, never focusing on just one person or experience at a time. “Buy more, do more, see more, read more, live more, more and more.”

I read a book a couple years ago called The More of Less that states this month’s theme succinctly with its title. What if having and doing less actually makes our lives richer and more fulfilling?

I hope you’ll follow along this month. As usual, my ideas and plans exceed the actual time I have, but in the month of March on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, I hope to talk about ways to:

Simplify Buying Used Clothing

Simplify Mom Guilt

Simplify Your Perspective on Motherhood

Simplify Easter with Kids

Simplify Doing Laundry (likely a 2-parter)

Simplify Hospitality

Simplify Baby Gear

I’m also planning a post with books, podcasts and articles relating to this theme, so tell me if you have a great resource you’d like to add!

I have at least one guest post lined up, but let me know if you’d be interested in guest posting and shoot me an email at scrapingraisins@ gmail (dot) com. I’m looking for personal stories on this theme in the 500-1000 word range.

As always, thank you for meeting me here in this space. If you haven’t yet, be sure you sign up for my mid-month and monthly secret newsletter for the latest posts and even some news, discount codes and book giveaway information that only Scraping Raisins subscribers are privy to!

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